Everything about review moderation

Under Product Review Moderation, you'll find two tabs: "Product reviews" and "Seller reviews". Choose either one of them then check their content and moderate if necessary.

Each time you go to the Review Moderation Page, a filter called "Todo" becomes active, so you can see the latest reviews about your products, which haven't been moderated yet. You can approve, disapprove or delete them as per your moderation settings.

When you click on the "All" filter, all your Approved, Disapproved and yet not moderated reviews are shown at once.

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For each new review left you have the options to "Approve", "Disapprove", "View review" and "Share". No matter if you approve or disapprove something, you can always change your mind and change the review's moderation status to the other, so no worries.

By clicking on the "View review" button, a little box appears, where you can see the review in details. In this box, you can still moderate the review, "Delete" it or "Reply" to it to pick up the line with your customer.

If a review is so good that you want to display it on any of your social accounts (Twitter, Facebook), just click on "Share" and choose from the options.

Please always consider moderation decisions well, as even bad reviews are proven to be very useful and important and the more authentic your reviews are, the more trustworthy your site becomes.

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